From Climbers to climbers

Publié le 01/04/2022

Je vous invite à soutenir la communauté des voyageurs.euses et alpinistes ukrainien-nes en répondant à l’appel de Yulia, une Ukrainienne passionnée de montagne, avec qui j’ai gravi à pied l’Ojos del Salado en 2019 (voir liens au dessous de la photo).

Elle m’envoie le message d’urgence suivant:

31.03.22 à 00:49 – yulia yurasova: Hello to all the international community of travelers, mountaineers and climbers! My name is Yulia and I am from Ukraine. I used to be a happy traveler and inspired mountain climber. But now the times changed. My home country was attacked by Russia, the cities are bombed every day and millions of people had to escape from war and live as refugees. All my male friends are fighting in Ukrainian army or territorial defense forces. They are now standing not only for our country, but probably for the whole world, defending the right of the humanity to be free from the dictatorship and autocracy. Lots of humanitarian help is already sent to Ukraine from all over the world, but it’s still not enough to cover all the needs of our people to survive and to be able to protect from russian invasion. So we are searching for any help. If you can donate any amount of money for Ukraine or can share this message among your community and friends, we will really appreciate that. I give only the trusted links from the people who I know in person, so you can 100% trust that your donations will be used for very useful things. We will be grateful for any help. Every 20 euro of your donation is one tourniquet = one saved live. Every 20$ matter. Here my good friend and experienced climbing instructor collects donations to buy the modern defense equipment for Ukrainian soldiers fighting against russia. I totally understand if people would preferer not to give donations for weapon, and be sure you will not. It’s not allowed to the volunteers to buy such things, so all this money will go to our militaries, but only for protection, medicine and supplies:

Also another my friend collects donations to buy the lifesaving equipment for surgeons working in a hospital in Kyiv. They are real professionals dedicated to saving lives, but the modern medical equipment is super expensive. If they could have it, many-many lives will be saved:

If you wish to donate directly to my account you can do it via PayPal. I am going to use that for the humanitarian help for my friends:

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Retrouvez Yulia sur mon site internet dans Noroeste argentino #15: Ojos del Salado, 6893 m et dans mon dernier livre paru L’appel du volcan (chap. 2, Le sentiment océanique, pp.26-30 et et L’écume des cimes, ch.4, pp. 48-52, 2021).

A relire à propos de L’Ukraine: lors de mon bref passage à Lviv en 2011 dans mon livre L’homme-frontière ( A chacun son cauchemar, chap. 10, pp.96-101), durant ma traversée du pays en 1994 dans Le Chant des Roues (chap. 1, Un rêve, deux roues, trois ans d’Asie, pp. 12-19) ou encore en parcourant mes 14 articles parus à l’été 1994 dans La Tribune de Genève, L’Eurasie à vélo #7 à #19.

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